Our heavenly body was almost perfect last night
It was a perfect evening last night with our rising heavenly body. Wonderful evening breezes and a perfect mixture of clouds danced with the rising full moon. Appreciating the ever changing sky so easily viewed from my own window was a delight last night. Sitting on our home planet, this blue marble as it has been called, we can see our neighbor who lights up the night sky. Where did the idea of a blue moon come from? According to Space.com, the meaning of a blue moon has changed over the centuries. In the renaisance era, it was taken as a phrase to mean something completely impossible or ridiculous. How did that change to our usage now? The publication Sky and Telescope in 1947 published an article called “Once in a Blue Moon” by J. Hugh Pruett of the University of Oregon in which he declared, apparently without any explanation, that the term “blue moon” meant 2 full moons in one calendar month. Apparently there can be a blue tinted moon when volcanic ash is in the sky where you are seeing the moonlit night. I don’t recommend this for your next vacation plan.
Here I have included my own creation of the moon over Ano Nuevo Beach. There is an isolated house out on the end of land, and I imagined what that would be like to live in, and enjoy the night of a full moon, if only artistically. I hope you enjoy our beautiful heavenly body as much as I do.